The Amazon RAGEforest.

It’s an analogy for modern life. It says a lot about where society has brought us; we all boiled every aspect of our lives down into zeros and ones and tapped it all furiously into flickering screens. Everything has got faster, everything has become accessible, readily available. Instead of going to the high street to do our shopping we went to the internet and then we demanded we do even less to get the things we wanted and started visiting online stores that offer everything all at the same time. It follows then that Amazon was born out of our inherent laziness as a species. We piled everything we could possibly want into one website so we had to move our fingers as little as possible. Then they made a one-click buy function! Now all Amazon has to do is eliminate the postal aspect of the service in favour of beaming your two pound book directly into your house and we will have achieved the slack bastard event horizon. It’s brilliant isn’t it? If it isn’t on Amazon it probably doesn’t exist and if it isn’t cheap enough for you they advertise affiliated stores where you can buy your items at truly disgusting prices. A Leonard Nimoy album for under a pound? Truly this is a golden age. By the way I didn’t actually look up a Nimoy album, heaven knows what that would do to my recommendations.

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The Politics Post

Warning: The following contains POLITICS. It’s not at all researched and is mainly fueled by bile and confusion. Pinch of salt and all that…

No member of my generation can attest to be a deep thinker. Our brains have turned into mush from the poundings with give them through the incredibly fast and limitless stream of drivel that envelops our lives. Off-licenses are open twenty-four hours, terrible TV shows are always playing if you want them to be on several thousand different websites, you can have a meal cooked in your microwave in three minutes and you can tell everyone you know at any time, in any place exactly what you’re thinking. Do you know what else is immediately accessible any time you like? News. But we don’t care about that.

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