When is news not news? When it’s bullshit.

Tiger Woods’ stupid face looks out at me from three different media outlets right now. A massive picture of his eyes desperately trying to express something similar to emotion at the top of the front page of this morning’s paper, through the TV’s replay of the press conference and from my computer because I’ve just logged onto Hotmail. For a man shovelling his way through a second helping of sweet, sweet humble pie he sure is everywhere. It’s not as if he had a thousand microphones thrust into his face though. Members of the press did not surround him, flashing their cameras and shouting questions. He was stood in front of a blue curtain talking to a small room with two cameras in them. That didn’t stop the TV crews though, no. They were all camped outside looking like the place cables go to die. As I watch, a woman talks to the camera while walking sideways detailing how many vans there are. She actually trips over some wires as she speaks. At no point does a cameraman throw the camera down and shout ‘what in god’s name are we doing here?’ It’s weird.

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